Мод MoreRealistic Package v1.1 для Farming / Landwirtschafts Simulator 2013

MoreRealistic Package v1.1 для Farming / Landwirtschafts Simulator 2013 - Мод делает физику в игре более реальной. В паке четыре архива: moreRealistic.zip (скрипты улучшающие движок игры), moreRealisticGenuineMap.zip (скрипт для стандартной карты под MoreRealistic), moreRealisticVehicles.zip (стандартная техника переделанная под MoreRealistic), mrAlternativeTipping.zip (мод альтернативной выгрузки переделанный под MoreRealistic). Поддержка мультиплеера. Для версии игры 2.0 и выше.

Авторы: Giants, SFM-Modding, Xentro, Dural

This is the second release of the more realistic full package.
This is the official version 1.1

Please read the embedded manual before posting on the support topic.

MoreRealistic.zip (v1.1.0.7)
- fixed issue with dedicated server version
- fixed error when using a no-mr windrower
- fixed funny bale prices in normal and easy difficulties
- fixed crash when using an attacherJoint allowing lowering but with a nil moveTime (badly converted/implemented mod, but issue hard to find)
- add realEngineSoundVolumeFx parameter to allow incab sound scripting for modders
- override the baleValueScale loading from bales i3d file to be a float instead of an integer.
- some modification to give the possibility of a follow me mod.
- new AIVehicleUtil.mrDriveInDirection to replace the default driveInDirection for mr vehicles.
- AI 3D sound now takes into account volume and pitch variation.
- steering lock state is now saved within the savegame
- AWD mode state is now saved within the savegame
- this is now possible to use the shuttle in T1 transmission mode while a speed level is set
- new crops supported : pea (combinable peas), bean (field bean) and linseed.
- better progressivity for brake pedal when playing with a wheel and pedals device.
- add the realBalerWorkingSpeedLimit to allow modder to specify a custom speed limit for a mr baler.
- add the vehicle.steeringAxleAngleScale#realNoSteeringAxleDamping parameter to disable the damping of steering axle of a trailer
- better compatibility for maps with different triggers for the same station (triggers with and without appearsOnPDA like for SprinHill)
- no torque brakedown when shifting speedlevel
- when setting a speedlevel, the player now have 1s to release the acceleration key before the speedlevel is disabled (you can set the speedlevel while pressing the acceleration key)
- the mission dialog box does not disable the player controls anymore
- starting silos filllevel now take into account filltype price per liter. (higher fill level for cheaper products)
- fix the bug with client that could have different sell prices on the PDA than the server
- externalize the updateSteeringAxleAngle for attachable so that modders can override it if needed (steeringMod for example)
- fix the bug with some no mr seeding equipment when filling (fillType = only seeds, no fruit specified, and so, we don't know what is the correct price for the seed)
- realisticCombine specialization is now more resistant to exotic combine/harvester mods.
- Fix a rare problem activating the brakepedal all the time (unplugging usb headset while playing)
- New realAutoDetaching parameter for attachable attacher joint (Example : allow the cutter to be detached automatically when the cutter trailer is detached from the towing vehicle)
- RealisticBallast specialization is now working for implement too.
- add the realBalerUseEjectingVelocity for balers.

MoreRealisticVehicle.zip (v1.1.0.8)
- Fixed the Poettinger Servo 35 plough missing groundReference
- Fixed the Buehrer 6135A (center of mass)
- No more draft force for combines header => better harvest speed, no more over slipping with combine harvesting uphill, but using a speedLevel is now usually required to drive a combine (or you will often experience start and stop behavior, especially harvesting downhill)
- Krone BigX -> move less far away in the headland while turning in hired worker mode
- Lizard header trailer now have rear brakes
- New roundbale collision to avoid too much free rolling
- Krone Comprima baler can overfill up to 108% now
- Weidemann 4270CX100T : fixed the trailer attacher joint rotLimit
- smaller turning radius improvement on many tractors
- trailers unloading discharge rate and pto consumption tuned
- Grimme Maxtron and Tectron lateral slidding fixed
- Fix flickering when playing in 64bits on some models (TTV430 frontloader, 5465H and 7545RTS combines, CIH quadtrack and steiger, Grimme maxtron and tectron, Grimme GL420 and 660, Amazon ADP seeder, trailers, Krone Comprima round baler)
- Fix missing rear light for the Agrovector telehandler
- Attacher joint (cutter type) added to the Lizard cutter trailer (in MP, the cutter can slide on the trailer if not attached)
- Fix Krone BigPack and Comprima missing realBrakingDeceleration.[/spoler]

Установка: Файлы из архива скопировать в папку Мои Документы\My Games\FarmingSimulator2013\mods\

Размер файла: 282.65 Мб

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